Family Meal reVision recipients send their thanks!


In preparation for a potential capital campaign, we began developing plans for the workforce development program in a culinary setting.  This program would use the kitchen as a vehicle to teach a wide range of employability skills.


Two weeks before Covid-19 hit, we hired chef Adam Garcia to help develop the program. With his leadership, we determined we could adapt to the current situation and help feed reVision students at a low cost. Adam has been able to make 90+ meals a day in the St. Luke’s Westheimer campus kitchen, which are transferred to the reVision staff for delivery to the students. This allows reVision to see and check in on the students every day while providing a much-needed hot meal.


As soon as we’re able, we hope to begin bringing students into the kitchen with Adam to help continue developing the program using the St. Luke’s kitchen as our hub.